Monday, September 28, 2015

New Authentication Technology

Identity Provider (issuer) => STS (security token services) => Token (contains claims and signature)

Identity Provider or Issuer

It's an authority that makes claims about user
Example Identity providers

Token & and its Claims
A token is a set of bytes that expresses Information about an entity. example a user.
  1. A token consists of one or more claims
  2. Each claim contains Information about the entity
  3. A token also contains a signature, which contains information such as who created this token and guards/protects against changes.

The token workflow process behind the scenes

Accessing an Enterprise application 

Claim Transformation

Microsoft Identity Technology

Windows Azure Active Directory as a Federation Provider

More screenshots at

Monday, September 21, 2015

ASP.NET Web API Documentation using Swagger

Now the trend is APIs  and we need documentations for APIs to publish and share with teams for Apps and Application development. .NET comes with the in-build tool which have some challenges and not very impressive.

On the other hand, Swagger is a framework for describing, consuming and visualizing RESTful APIs. It keeps the documentation system, client and server code in sync always. We don't need to update manually and its fully automated.

Installing and configuring Swagger is simple, easy and no dependency. The following are the simple steps to enable API documentation in your ASP.Net site.

Step 1 : Install Swagger using Nuget package manager

Step 2 : Use Install-Package command to install Swagger

Step 3 : Step 2 adds a few changes in your project (updates web.config and adds a file "SwaggerConfig.cs" as shown in the figure)

Step 4 :  Minimal changes to enable Swagger and Swagger UI.

Step 5 : That's it. Now time to check the documentation. Use your application URL for your testing. Example "http://YourLocalhostURL/swagger/ui"

Step 6 : I changes some APIs with Swagger decorations as shown below.

Step 7 : Documentation for the Values Controller in Step 6

Enjoy API Programming and documentation.

Friday, March 13, 2015

TFS - Source Control

Advanced TFS

- Get latest / Check in / Undo changes
- CheckIn policy (Work Item, Code Analysis etc) we can write our own by extending it or buy third party
- Tasks templates (Agile, Scrum templates etc)
- Associate and Resolve Task Id while checkin
- ChangeSet (for relelase note, associate work item with changeset)
- Lable (Book mark of milestones eg. IPhone UX Implemented etc)
- Branching
- Merge code between branches
- Shelve / Unshelve - Move the new code in a safe location (Shelve) and it will not be compiled in builds and you can use the old code. First shelve and undo the undo pending changes.
During unshelve, we may have a conflict with the present code.
- Use the local/Server version/Auto Merge/Merge tool

Friday, February 20, 2015

PowerShell SharePoint Administration - Script samples

I always love and keep an eye on the SharePoint Administration. I have watched the MVA video training conducted by Christopher and his samples are in GitHub

If you are a developer, please have a look at it and understand and need to know some administration.
Download the SharePoint Administration scripts

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Knockout Introduction

Today I conducted a session on KnockOut, which is a client-side MVVM JS library. Have a look at the below slide and can download for your reference. Its free for you :)

The audience are impressed about the two way communication and the page rewrite without refreshing the entire page.

You can develop a awesome Web page, SPA or Apps using knockout. I am sure you will love it.